Welcome to the new site!

What a long strange season it’s been…(not to be confused with that song)

I will preface this short blog post welcoming you to my new website by saying that I am not, have never been, nor ever will be, a Grateful Dead fan. Grateful Dead fans are more than welcome to peruse my new site, get some bee mentoring or sign up for my newsletter, but let’s keep it to the bees and not our differing musical tastes…

It’s been a long strange season. I haven’t had too much time to write and I admit, I’m pretty rusty. The five thousand years since March has been filled with a lot of fear and uncertainty. Despite it all, the bees are doing ok and so am I. I’m hoping that in these coming weeks I can finally wrap up the season and move on to the long list of things to do while the bees and I huddle in our homes while hoping we can all make it through to the other side of Winter unscathed. I hope to start posting a little more on here and getting my Patreon up and running soon. So, stay tuned and stay well. If you have a chance, sign up for some newsletter goodness while you’re here. 

Bee safe,



Honey is here, honey!!